Saturday, December 4, 2010

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Everyone seems to be writing a blog.  Why not me?  I suppose there is a small chance that I might think of something interesting, witty, or even worthwhile to say, something that someone would want to read.  A lot of people say that I am a sort of 'renaissance man'.   I do have a very full and rich life as a guitarist, composer, bandleader, university teacher, concert promoter, luthier, writer, husband and father.  My students, colleagues, and other smart people who don't try to confuse themselves with such varied pursuits have often said that I should keep a diary of some of the things I do and see and think. maybe this will be it? 

The great composer, John Cage, is reported to have said,  "I have nothing to say and I am saying it."  I have never really been able to identify with that idea.  It is a sort of Zen fib really isn't it?  In some ways I feel it is quite an egotistical thing to imagine that anyone else would be interested in reading anything I throw out into cyberspace, but then I remember that has never stopped me before in other situations.  This kind of 'ego projection' is essential to being a musician or a writer and I've been both for quite a while now.  It really boils down to having the confidence that people will want to hear what you have to say.   Perhaps this blogging activity will be another avenue of performance for me.


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